[scroll down for more info]

In 2022 we at Indentured Geek theorized that an NFT that implied a lot of computing power would be good advertising. So we put 365 sequential, fully factored 100-digit numbers, together with 11 runs of 365 sequential non-primes in the 2.1 x 10^20th range (also fully factored,) in a zip file and attached them to some refrigerator art. [click above to view or purchase]

Please bear in mind that, while only numbers ending in 1,3,7 or 9 can be Prime, it takes just as much computing power to factor an even number, or a multiple of five, as it does to factor more likely candidates. If a number is Prime, machines denote it almost instantly, but there is no shortcut to factors.

In the 2.1 x 10^20 range, there are many non-prime numbers, but large runs of sequential non-primes uninterrupted by prime values are hard to find.

[Note: The NFT (link above) was found to have deficiencies, and a table of about 20 corrections is available with it.]




Project Three